Cohort 3

Cohort 3

  • Flor de Loto Montessori (Ponce): First Montessori school in Ponce, they seek to 
    expand their impact to nearby rural communities with the Ilumina Montessori project. 
    This initiative aims to install renewable energy systems in several Montessori 
    schools on the island. They are currently raising funds for an 8.04 kW(DC) PV 
    system and a 27kWh battery system.
  • Museo del Reciclaje (Hatillo) Non-profit organization that seeks to establish 
    permanent spaces for artistic expression, education, and research into the use of 
    recyclable materials through design and circular transformation for the manufacture 
    of products.
  • Croma Creativo (San Lorenzo) Resilient community center that functions as an 
    incubator for creative industries and promotes arts education and community 
    development. Multidisciplinary approach that promotes inclusion and innovation and 
    seeks to create communities as protagonists of their social entrepreneurship.
  • Centro Resiliente GRALP (Juncos): Non-profit organization that provides 
    humanitarian aid before, during and after major disasters and emergencies. They 
    provide services all over the island.